#Miss_M00 Taking advantage of the king's absence, the elder relatives of Alexander and the Thracian mercenaries stir up a rebellion. Alexander must punish the rebels and restore order.
#Miss_M01 Philip's army meets the Athenian troops in the field near the Chaeronea. This battle will determine who will be master of Hellas.
#Miss_M02 The conflict with Greece's old enemy, Persia, is brewing. Alexander should gather together a powerful army for the beginning of the war.
#Miss_M03 Macedonian ships have reached the enemy coast. Now Alexander will set a foot on the land of ancient Troy.
#Miss_M04 Alexander's army meets the hordes of Persians at the river Granikos. The Greeks have to get back their former lands.
#Miss_M05 Continuous campaigns have exhausted Alexander's army. To go on marching and fighting he needs to replenish the diminished ranks of his army at the legendary city of Gordius.
#Miss_M06 Darius has no intention of forgiving the insults that have been inflicted on him. Troops from the opposing sides have met near the city of Issus. This fight won't be an easy one.
#Miss_M07 Tyre is on Alexander's way to Phoenicia. The Macedonians have to destroy its walls and take control of this pearl of the Persian crown.
#Miss_M08 Alexander's army has occupied Egypt. To strengthen his position in this land, Alexander decides to build a city - Alexandria.
#Miss_M09 Alexander decides to travel through Egypt to gain knowledge about this ancient land's secrets.
#Miss_M10 While Alexander was in Egypt, Darius managed to muster a new army. The battle at Gaugamelas will determine the fate of the Persian Empire.
#Miss_M11 Persia has fallen. Alexander managed to take the last step towards becoming its ruler.
#Miss_M12 Alexander advances further. The way to formerly unknown lands has opened up before his army - the way to India.
#Miss_M13 By no means every Indian ruler has yielded to Alexander. The Macedonian army is about to face the army of one of the most powerful Indian rulers - King Porus.
#Miss_M14 Alexander is ready to advance further, but his army is tired out. The Macedonians have to go back to Babylon.
#Miss_P00 The Macedonian king, Alexander, has invaded Persia. He has conquered Phoenicia, Syria and Egypt. Darius has called on the best commanders and gathered the best forces to bar the way for the aggressors.
#Miss_P01 Alexander's army retreats, but his forces are ready to repulse effectively. Darius decides to pursue the enemy and take away his lands.
#Miss_P02 Having taken his lands away, Darius decides to conquer the naval bases for the forthcoming invasion of enemy territory.
#Miss_P03 Darius makes the decision to conquer Hellas. His forces are on their way to Boiotia.
#Miss_P04 The walls of Pella, the last stronghold of the Macedonian king, are in front of the Persian forces. Darius intends to finish with Alexander.
#Miss_I00 The mighty enemy has risen up at the boundaries of India - the king of Macedonia, Alexander. The regents of the Indian kingdoms are preparing to repulse their uninvited guests.
#Miss_I01 The Macedonian army has crushed the army near the river Hydaspes, at the frontier of Porus's kingdom. Indian forces have to fight a difficult battle, which will determine the fate of their power.
#Miss_I02 The mighty enemy has been beaten, but not broken. King Porus pursues Alexander and is going to finish off the "wounded beast".
#Miss_I03 Alexander's army has fled to the city of Susa. The Indian soldiers have to assault this city.
#Miss_I04 Babylon, the Gates of God, are in front of the warriors. The fate of the whole of Asia will be decided here.
#Miss_E00 The direct offspring of the former pharaoh-sovereigns, priest Nectanebo, stirs up a rebellion and releases Egypt from its Persian conquerors.
#Miss_E01 Alexander, the Macedonian king, intends to conquer Egypt. Nectanebo has to fight the foremost Macedonian army.
#Miss_E02 The army of Alexander, victorious over the Persians, approaches the frontiers of Egypt. Nectanebo's forces are about to fight a severe battle.
#Miss_E03 After the victory over the Macedonians, Nectanebo decides to expand the bounds of their domain. His armies are moving to Gaza.
#Miss_E04 The walls of Jerusalem are in front of the Egyptian army. The battle for this city will decide the outcome of the war.